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take good care of your baby to be happy

take good care of your baby to be happy

It is perfectly normal to worry about the arrival of your baby at home. You will not be the first young parents to ever change clothes or put their pajamas on a baby. Most of us learned on the job and we almost all made mistakes! But do not worry. Your instincts will guide you when you need them, and for tasks that are totally unknown to you, there are always people to help and advise you.

The first day and even the day after a baby arrives after giving birth may seem daunting for young mothers. After performing the miracle of life, after work, tears of joy at birth, you have an innocent baby in your arms, who relies entirely on you to take care of him.

how to take care of a baby

You may have never changed diapers or even held a small baby in your arms. Yet you are here with a baby that you need to care for from birth. Fortunately, with some tips and a good maternal instinct, the care of your little baby will soon become natural. You will be surprised and happy. you will soon tell everyone that you can not imagine a life without a baby.

how to take good care of your baby

Caring for your baby is caring for him appropriately during all daily actions. Life with baby is rich in activities where you are in direct contact with him, some good gestures are instinctive and others are learned.

You will need to use them at different times of the day or evening, when you will take care of your child’s hygiene, massage your newborn baby or dress him.

to take care of the baby’s skin

The skin of newborns is very sensitive and you must take care of it. It is necessary to keep it dry and clean. Do not hesitate to change the lange:

  • after each meal
  • after each nap
  • as soon as you feel it necessary

Use only top quality diapers that absorb moisture well and do not stay on your baby’s skin.

Soon after giving birth, your midwife will probably advise you to use only cotton and lukewarm water to clean your baby’s fund in the first few weeks (if you need to use baby wipes for a baby). for whatever reason, check that they are suitable for sensitive skin and perfumes – free skin. Make sure all the small folds of the skin are clean and dry.

When should you give a bath?

The midwife will also show you how to take care of the baby’s umbilical cord (the end of the remaining cord attached to the belly button). The first few days, your baby will not need to take a bath every day. A quick rinse in a few centimeters of hot water every 3 to 4 days is enough. The rest of the time, a small toilet is perfect (wipe the face, hands and feet with moist cotton wool). That said, you should definitely give your child a bath when he has expelled his first meconium, sticky stools and black produced shortly after birth.

4 basic rules

  • By following your instinct, you’ll be on the right track, but new parents need to apply some basic rules right from the start.
  • Support the head, your baby’s neck can not get there yet.
  • Give him food as soon as he is hungry, his little stomach can not ingest much food, so he will have milk at will for the moment.
  • Check that it is not too hot or too cold and follow all the tips to avoid sudden infant death.

Do not overdo it, too fast. You and your baby should rest and stay calm for at least the first week. Give your body time to recover and let the world come to you!

Want to know more about caring for your newborn?

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